The homeopathic remedy Carcinosin is prepared from cancerous tissues that are typically taken from the breast. Dr. Clarke and Dr. Compton Burnett are credited with the development of this homeopathic remedy that has been prepared with substances obtained from cancerous tissues.
People who benefit most from Carcinosin are those who are introverted, extremely sympathetic and touchy during their childhood. This type of children usually holds back their emotions, loathe being censured or scolded and can become offended easily. When they attain puberty, such children may often find it hard to restrict their sexual emotions.
Carcinosin, as a homeopathic remedy, may be given to people having an individual or family history of cancer, tuberculosis and/ or diabetes. In a number of instances, this medication may also be used to treat the actual ailments. Carcinosin also has a similarity with individuals having a history of emotional pressure, or those who are recuperating from mononucleosis or chronic fatigue syndrome.