Harker Herbals Energy Elixir provides nutrient support for the health of the main organs - liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and blood.
Harker Herbals Energy Elixir is formulated to support maintenance functions of most of the main organs and systems of the body. Particularly helpful during use of 825 Verm-ez, as more oxygen minerals and other cell nutrients are made available to cells and fluids.
The elixir gives the body a rich supply of toxin-oxidising oxygen, tissue rebuilding materials as well as toning and nourishing properties to support ailing and tired organs. Contains several of the most curative herbs known.
Adults:5-10ml, 3-4 times daily.Directions
Child: 1/2 dose. Baby: 1/4 dose.
Shake well 5 - 6 times up-ended to remix.
Initial Dosage: Day 1 - 1/4 dose, Day 2 - 1/2 dose, Day 3 - full dose, swill before swallowing.
Coffee/Tea: May be taken 1/2 hour before or after dose.
Preconception: (whilst attempting) 1/4 to 1/2 dosage.
Pregnancy: 1/4 to 1/2 dose daily up to 10 weeks.
Breastfeeding:1/4 to 1/2 dose 2-3 x daily. May ease lactation.
Surgery: (all) 1/4 dosage, 2-3 x daily, recuperating. Stop tonic doses 1 week prior to surgery.
Drugs:Check drug/herb compatibility information sources prior to phurchase. Take nutrient tonic 1/2 hour before drugs. Reduce tonic dose to 1/2 if on drug medication.
- Do not use during pregnancy or lactation.
- Caution if suffering from severe liver insufficiency.
- Caution if using Loop diuretic, Thiazide Diuretic or Warfarin medication. Consult your natural health practitioner if using these medications.
- Glycyrrhiza Glabra (whole root liquorice) may increase blood pressure.Care is required for people on blood pressure medicines check with your doctor first.