Sensible eating plan, filled with normal everyday foods and meals most people are very familiar with.
Slim down your portion sizes for weight loss
Boost up your portion for weight gain
Contains gluten and dairy and is not intended for people with food allergies although many of the suggestion could be easily substituted to suit dairy or gluten-free.
Includes snacks, portion suggestions, and a printable version that uses less ink.
Just want to be told what to eat and when ... no problem we have the fully filled-in plan for you to follow.
Just want ideas you can then rearrange. No worries print our blank chart and pop the meals you choose onto this for your fridge :)
When you purchase this option you will automatically have access to the food plan via email and your shopping cart so please make sure you pop your email in with your contact details at the checkout so you can always link back to our downloads page.
Enjoy feeling healthy and well and getting into good habits without living on lettuce all week!