Scarless Solution

Scarless Solution

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Apply as much as needed minimum 2 times a day.

Apply as much as needed minimum 2 times a day. Do not apply to open wounds.

Apply as much as needed 3-5 times a day. Use after the skin is partially healed.

Old scars/stretchmarks
Apply as much as needed at least 2 times per day. Repeat regularly - calculate 1 months application for every year you have had the scar or stretchmark to see visible results.

Safety considerations
This oil blend is safe if applied as directed. Safe to use in Pregnancy and with children. Safe to use with other medication when necessary. Avoid contact with eyes.

Allergies: May contain gluten. This blend does not contain nut oils, however, the place of manufacture handles nut oils.

Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body processes for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as a recommendation to cure any medical condition or disease. commendation to cure any medical condition or disease.